background check

if you watch a show based in los angeles
travel to this town
visit this town
live in this town
you know you just know
that people here like to
look good
feel good
eat good
(yeah yeah grammar police)

so after too many strolls down the snack aisle
grabbing our tried and true go to options
and noshing away mindlessly over and over again
we needed a change because we didn't
look good
feel good
eat good
(poetic license here)

as luck would have it we're all trained chefs

but at the end of the day
we just want a little somethin' somethin'
that wakes up our palate
without driving us to pilates when we're done

in l.a.
you'll find more wellness practitioners
than actors roaming the streets
so we took a page out of their book
sprinkled a little spice and salt on it
and created a vegetable snack that's friendly for all

and here we quote straight off the back of our bags

beer friendly
cocktail friendly
family friendly
gluten free
vegetarian friendly

obviously we need more friends
but amazing flavor paired with a clean conscience
is something we can all aspire to
so we created


for us and for you